Who are we?

The Enlighten Shabbos lamp was established in 2016. It all began in a small quiet apartment in a bustling brooklyn. Michel Horowitz, founder of the innovative Enlighten Shabbos Lamp, set out to work with some scrap pieces of wood, cardboard, and some crafts, to create the very first prototype! From there it was taken to a 3D company to make it more professional looking, and then shipped to China for molds and price quotes. Many samples were sent from China with each one having a different problem that had to be corrected over and over again, perfecting it all the while down to the last detail so that it should work as smoothly as possible. It had to work perfectly from a kashrus point of view so that it should be 100% permissible to use on Shabbos, and from a practical point of view that it should be easy and convenient for customers to use it and enjoy the new modern look of the shabbos lamp. but finally at last these beautiful modern looking shabbos lamps were smiling at us from the shelves in all Judaica and Houseware stores across America.
The raving reviews is what keeps us going! People are excited to share that they were finally able to declutter their night table from their regular midweek lamp and old shabbos lamp, replacing both with this spectacular, sleek, modern looking Shabbos Lamp! They claim it serves the purpose of both- a night lamp for all week plus a Shabbos Lamp!
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